Registered firefighters 1, 2, and 3 equipment contractors
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Minifog ProCon XP

Mini­fog Pro­Con XP high pres­sure water mist sys­tems offer ex­cel­lent fire pro­tec­tion along with a min­imum con­sump­tion of ex­tin­guish­ing water, e.g. for sys­tems in con­fined spaces. Mini­fog Pro­Con XP uses ap­prox. 95 per­cent less ex­tin­guish­ing water com­pared to con­ven­tional spray water ex­tin­guish­ing sys­tems. This ex­tremely low con­sump­tion of ex­tin­guish­ing water re­duces the risk of water dam­age and thermal dis­tor­tion of hot ma­chine parts to a min­imum. The water sup­ply unit can be de­signed in a more com­pact format. This saves space, on-site costs and makes ret­ro­fit­ting easier.


Minimax-Minifog XP




Mini­fog Pro­Con XP pro­tects en­gines, tur­bines and other equip­ment
Sub­stan­tial in­vest­ments are pro­tec­ted and long and costly down­times can be pre­ven­ted
The use of water means that no spe­cific health and safety meas­ures are re­quired to pro­tect people against the ex­tin­guishant
Com­pared to clas­sic water spray sys­tems, Mini­fog Pro­Con XP re­duces water con­sump­tion by up to 95%
Mini­fog Pro­Con XP of­fers pro­tec­tion of large spaces with a di­men­sion of up to 2,430m³ and a height of up to 13.5m
The Mini­fog Pro­Con XP sys­tem can be de­signed as a multi-zone sys­tem even when the water is sup­plied via cyl­in­der bat­tery
En­hanced pro­tec­tion against re-ig­ni­tion: The Con­stant­Flow tech­no­logy keeps the sys­tem pres­sure con­stant throughout the en­tire op­er­at­ing time even if the water is sup­plied via cyl­in­der bat­tery
The use of the well-proven Minimax fire de­tec­tion and con­trol tech­no­logy en­sures op­timum com­pat­ib­il­ity of elec­trical and mech­an­ical sys­tem com­pon­ents